Senior Care News

Can You Recognize When You’re Stressed?

Caregiver Floral Park NY-One of the very first steps in getting your stress levels under control while you’re a caregiver is to start to recognize what stress looks like for you. Symptoms of stress can be highly individualized and you might not realize just how early you can spot stress in yourself.

One of the very first steps in getting your stress levels under control while you’re a caregiver is to start to recognize what stress looks like for you. Symptoms of stress can be highly individualized and you might not realize just how early you can spot stress in yourself.

Caregiver Floral Park NY - Can You Recognize When You’re Stressed?
Caregiver Floral Park NY – Can You Recognize When You’re Stressed?

Stress Doesn’t Look Exactly the Same for Everybody

One of the problems that caregivers experience is that stress doesn’t look exactly the same for everyone. You might find that stress makes you eat or that it makes you want to work out all the time. Other people get uncontrollably tired when they are under a lot of stress. Your unique symptoms are just that. They’re unique to you and to your situation.

You Might See Some of the Same Symptoms

That said, though, you might recognize some symptoms in other people that you also experience when you’re stressed. Maybe you lose your appetite completely or you get headaches. Physical and emotional symptoms are the most common signs of stress and they can be easy to recognize. If you’re still having trouble, talk to someone who cares about you and let them know you’re trying to spot what you do when you’re stressed. They may be able to tell you more than you think they could.

Take Some Action

Solving your stress problem means that you need to take action. It’s one thing to keep collecting data, but that only takes you so far. You have to start doing something about your stress. If you’re not sleeping, figure out what’s causing that and get some quality sleep. If you’re not eating right, change that habit. Your body needs fuel, rest, and movement in order to stay healthy. Make those things happen.

You May Need to Get Professional Help

Something else to consider is that you might be so stressed because you’re overwhelmed and you flat out need help. Take the time to figure out how you can get some extra help in your corner. Home care providers can give you the hands-on assistance that you need and you can leave your senior in their capable hands. A break might be the one thing you need most that you haven’t tried.

Stress can do a lot of damage on you as a caregiver. Recognizing stress as it works in your life and as it works against you is one of your best first response tools. Do everything that you can to bust your stress and that’s going to make a huge difference for you.

If you or an aging loved one are in need of Caregiver Services in Floral Park NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!

Stephen Sternbach
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