Senior Care News

Early Signs Indicating a Caregiver is Needed

As people get older, sometimes they have difficulty taking adequate care of themselves. Their homes may become less safe due to unsanitary conditions or they may begin making decisions that put them in physical or financial danger. However, it can be hard for family members to recognize or accept that an older adult is failing and needs help. This can be especially true when family members don’t live close to the senior and see them only occasionally.

Caregiver Floral Park NY - Early Signs Indicating a Caregiver is Needed
Caregiver Floral Park NY – Early Signs Indicating a Caregiver is Needed

The good news is that if you believe your parent needs help, there are options available. One option is to hire a home caregiver to visit your parent at their house as often as needed to ensure they are safe and well.

Here are some signs that indicate your parent may be ready for a caregiver:

Disheveled Appearance: If your normally neat and tidy parent starts looking as though they no longer care how they look, they may need help. Sometimes seniors have trouble doing laundry, so their clothes are dirty or stained. They may also neglect bathing if it becomes difficult or if they fear falling. A caregiver can help with laundry, assist your parent with dressing, and even help them to get safely in and out of the bathtub.

Weight Loss: Seniors who are no longer able to prepare meals for themselves or who lose interest in eating because they don’t want to eat alone may suffer from weight loss and malnutrition. They may also have trouble getting to the grocery store if they no longer feel safe driving. A caregiver can help prepare meals, spend time with the person while they eat, and even drive them to the grocery store.

Bruising or Injuries: As seniors get older, they may sometimes fall or injure themselves. If your parent is falling, they could suffer from a serious injury. Having a caregiver check on them regularly can provide reassurance for family members and ensure the senior gets help after a fall.

Poor Judgement: Seniors who are experiencing cognitive decline may make poor judgements that put them at risk for identity theft and fraud. They may give out personal information or send money to fraudulent charities. A caregiver can help watch for these behaviors and alert family members when there is a problem.

Dirty House: A home that is no longer kept up is a sign that an elderly person needs help. They may be incapable of cleaning properly because of mobility issues or vision problems. A caregiver can assist with light housecleaning and other household tasks to keep the senior’s environment safe.

If you or an aging loved one are in need of Caregiver Services in Floral Park NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!
Stephen Sternbach
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