Senior Care News

Four Ways to Deal with Sudden Stress as a Caregiver

Caregiver Rockville Center NY-As a caregiver, you might find yourself frequently in situations that suddenly overload you with stress. Here are some ideas for coping.

As a caregiver, you may find that stress can balloon up out of the blue very quickly. If you’ve got some techniques that help, you can stay calm, cool, and collected. These techniques are some easy ones to start with and you can build on them as you need to do so.

Caregiver Rockville Center NY - Four Ways to Deal with Sudden Stress as a Caregiver
Caregiver Rockville Center NY – Four Ways to Deal with Sudden Stress as a Caregiver

Repeat a Positive Mantra

Mantras are short, simple statements that are positive and easy to remember. During times of extreme stress, mantras can help you focus on that positivity. You might choose something like, “I am okay.” or “Everything is alright.” Whatever mantra you choose, keep it short so that it’s easy for you to remember, even when something stressful is happening.

Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is really helpful, but you may need to work up to it a little bit at a time. If you’ve been stressed for a long time, you most likely have been breathing shallowly more often than not. Breathing too deeply at first can feel almost painful. Slowly take a slightly deeper breath than you’ve been taking. Follow that up with gradually longer and deeper breaths for as long as is comfortable.

Challenge Your Memory

When you’re stressed, it’s difficult to think. Playing a game with your brain can help you to get back into a spot where you can think again. You don’t have to choose anything difficult for this to work, either. You can try counting to ten in a foreign language or saying the alphabet backward. Name off your favorite flower types or the names of your favorite songs. This shifts gears in your brain and can help you to get back where you need to be.

Look Around and Find an Object

No matter where you are, look around and pick an object. It can literally be anything. Focus on that object and think about how you would describe it. What’s it made of? What color is it? Is it hot or cold? How would it feel if you touch it? As you focus on that object, you’re distracting yourself from the emotional reaction you’re having and you can allow yourself to calm down a bit.

If you find other techniques that work well for you, be sure to incorporate them into your toolkit. Any way that you can eliminate stress before it overwhelms you can be helpful now and in the future. You might want to start keeping a list of the ones that work best for you.

If you or an aging loved one are in need of Caregiver Services in Rockville Center NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!
Stephen Sternbach
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