Senior Care News

Helping Your Parent Manage Diabetes for National Diabetes Month

Elder Care Huntington NY-When it comes to managing your parent’s diabetes, there are several key ways an elder care professional can assist your parent. Let’s look at just a few of them.

November is National Diabetes Month. If you’ve got an elderly parent that has just recently been diagnosed with diabetes or has had diabetes her entire life, you’ve got some decisions to make about how to ensure she enjoys her later years in life. One of the best ways you can do this is by helping her manage her diabetes.

Elder Care Huntington NY - Helping Your Parent Manage Diabetes for National Diabetes Month
Elder Care Huntington NY – Helping Your Parent Manage Diabetes for National Diabetes Month

Like all diseases, it’s important to keep on top of necessary medical needs of your loved one’s diabetic diagnosis. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. Looking into an elder care provider to walk alongside you as you care for your parent, can bring relief to you and better care for your parent.

Elder care professionals are there to give your parent the assistance she needs so that she can have the freedom she wants. When it comes to managing your parent’s diabetes, there are several key ways an elder care professional can assist your parent. Let’s look at just a few of them.

Eating Healthy

You may not be able to be there to make sure your mom eats well every day, but an elder care professional can help your mom stay within the diet guidelines for someone dealing with diabetes. Diabetics should eat a diet that is low in sugar and saturated fat. Creating a healthy food plan and then helping your parent stay on that plan, can be just one of the many important roles an elder care professional can take in your parent’s life.

Getting Enough Exercise

The American Diabetes Association recommends sustained exercise at least 5 days a week. That’s something everyone can use a reminder on! Having a home care professional check in with your elderly parent every day and even take them to their favorite exercise spot (such as a beautiful park to walk or the pool at the local YMCA), can bring more life satisfaction to your parent.

Keeping on Top of Medications

If your parent has been prescribed medication to help her with managing her diabetes, an elder care professional can make sure she is remembering to take them and take them at the proper time. Our professionals can help your parent by setting up a daily pill box or setting alarms on her phone or clock as reminders of when to take medications.

Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels and Blood Pressure

Your parent doesn’t need to worry about going somewhere to get her levels checked, and you don’t need to worry about your parent actually doing it. A home health care professional can manage these tests for your parent, checking levels and alerting the appropriate people if there are levels that are not within a healthy range.

Diabetes can seem like a scary diagnosis and it will require constant care and vigilance. An elder care professional in your parent’s life can work with the family to determine how he can help make sure your parent is managing the disease instead of being dictated by the disease on how to live life. The sooner you can help your parent get control of her diabetes, the sooner she can get back to living life in its fullest.


If you or an aging loved one are in need of Elder Care Services in Huntington NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!

Stephen Sternbach
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