Senior Care News

Being a “Care Partner” During the Early Stage of Alzheimer’s Disease

Learning that your elderly parent has Alzheimer’s disease can be one of the most intimidating moments of your care journey with them. You know that this diagnosis is life-changing and something that will alter many of the plans that both of you had for the future. You may immediately start thinking of the additional care that they will need and all of the ways that you will need to help them manage their daily tasks as they progress.

Elderly Care Dix Hills NY – Being a “Care Partner” During the Early Stage of Alzheimer’s Disease

It is important to realize, however, that during the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease the symptoms are generally mild and the person is well aware of the situation. This means that you should not be thinking just about what you can do for them, but rather what you can do with them to assist them through this stage and into the next. This is referred to as being a “care partner”.

Being a care partner is about encouraging your parent to continue functioning with as much independence as possible and finding fulfillment in their life even as they prepare for the progression of the disease. This is the time when you work with your parent to identify needs and establish routines and efforts to help them fulfill these needs in effective, efficient, and respectful ways.

For many care partners, one of the most valuable steps they can take to ensure their parent is not only getting the care that they need, but also preparing for the future, is to start elderly care. Having a care provider on your care team means that your parent can continue doing as much on their own as possible and find a “new normal” while you also continue to focus on the other aspects of your life as you prepare for the greater challenges ahead.

Starting elderly care for your aging parent can be a fantastic way to encourage a higher quality of life and to ensure that they get all of the care, support, and assistance that they need both when you are able to be with them and when you are not.

This elderly home care services provider can step in to fill care gaps that might exist in the efforts that you give them as well as to provide additional support and services that help your parent to remain safe, healthy, happy, and comfortable, while also encouraging as much independence, activity, and fulfillment as possible as they age in place.

This can be particularly beneficial if you live at a distance from your parent, or your schedule or personal limitations are such that you cannot be with them as often as you want to, or cannot fulfill all of their needs in the ways that are right for your parent.


If you or an aging loved one are in need of Elderly Care Services in Dix Hills NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!
Stephen Sternbach
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