Senior Care News

How to Cope When You Disagree with Your Senior’s Cancer Fight Choices

Elderly Care Floral Park NY-Use these tips to help you cope when you disagree with your senior's cancer fight choices.

As a family caregiver, you love your aging parent, and you want what is best for them. This means you likely have very specific and strong opinions about how they should handle the challenges and issues that they face, such as if they are diagnosed with cancer. You may immediately know what you think they should do, and what type of treatment and management options they should pursue.

Elderly Care Floral Park NY - How to Cope When You Disagree with Your Senior's Cancer Fight Choices
Elderly Care Floral Park NY – How to Cope When You Disagree with Your Senior’s Cancer Fight Choices

While it is normal and natural for you to have these opinions, it is important to remember that this is your elderly loved ones life, and this experience is very personal. This means the decisions need to be theirs, and it is up to you to support them, and respect their wishes, even if you disagree with what they decide.

Use these tips to help you cope when you disagree with your senior’s cancer fight choices:

Remind yourself that it is not your responsibility to tell your parent how to live, but rather to help them live in the way they believe is right for them.

Talk to your parent about the decision they’ve made, and ask them to explain it to you. You do not need justification from them, and your parent should not feel the need to convince you their decision is correct. Rather, listen as they give you an explanation as to how they came to this decision, so you can better understand their perspective. This can help you to feel more comfortable moving forward.

Consider how you are impacting them with your disagreement, particularly if you are vocal about your disagreement, or critical of their decision. Remember how you influence your senior’s emotional health, and focus on how you can improve their outlook and help them maintain better mental and emotional well-being by embracing and supporting them.

Express how you feel in calm, constructive ways. Do not go into the conversation with the goal of criticizing your parent, telling them they are wrong, or trying to convince them to see the situation your way. Instead, go into it with the purpose of telling them what you are thinking and feeling so they can be more understanding of how you are going through this.

Talk to their doctor about their decision. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about the various options, including any you may feel would be a better choice. They may be able to give you insight into why their choice is the one that is really right for them, or at least reassure you they are making a decision that will benefit them in the way they want.

If you have been looking for ways to enhance your senior’s life as they age in place, elderly care may be the answer. An elderly home care services provider can be just what you need to ensure your senior gets the care and assistance they need to manage health challenges and limitations in the way that are right for them, while also managing safety issues, mental and emotional health needs, and your parent’s desire for independence throughout their later years. For you, this can mean experiencing less stress and more flexibility, which is beneficial for both of you.


If you or an aging loved one are in need of Elderly Care Services in Floral Park NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!
Stephen Sternbach
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