Senior Care News

Encouraging Your Senior to Get Active Again After Hip Surgery

Elderly Care Massapequa NY-As a family caregiver, you should understand that if your elderly loved one undergoes hip surgery to treat a hip fracture their doctor will want to get them active again as soon as possible. Here are some ways.

When many people think about having a serious medical procedure such as hip surgery, they immediately think of people recovering by lying in bed in a hospital. As a family caregiver however, you should understand that if your elderly loved one undergoes hip surgery to treat a hip fracture their doctor will want to get them active again as soon as possible.

Elderly Care Massapequa NY - Encouraging Your Senior to Get Active Again After Hip Surgery
Elderly Care Massapequa NY – Encouraging Your Senior to Get Active Again After Hip Surgery

Getting physically active promotes strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the new hip joint, and helps the body to accept the new joint more easily. Staying physically active also reduces risk for blood clots and other complications.

Your senior will likely be up and moving fairly soon after surgery, and the doctor will recommend increasing their physical activity throughout their recovery. It is important for you to encourage your senior to get active again after hip surgery, but also to take steps to keep them safe and prevent them from overdoing it.

Some ways you can encourage your elderly loved one to get active again after hip surgery include:

Set goals and pursue those goals consistently. Even very small goals can be very motivating, and fulfilling them can give your parent a sense of accomplishment that will keep them going.

Provide the resources your senior needs to give them support and assistance while they are active. This can include a mobility device such as a walker or crutches, grab bars throughout the home, and care network of people willing to help them.

Find creative ways within your senior’s home to get them active. This can include marching in place or walking around the living room during commercial breaks while watching TV together, dancing to their favorite music, or even using gentle workout videos.

Discourage your parent from overdoing it, including lifting anything that may cause them to strain. Even something that seems as simple as a gallon of milk may be too much for an older adult who has recently undergone surgery.

Take it slow. Some people recover within just a few weeks, and others require months. Most people have largely recovered within four months, but total recovery takes a year. It is better for your parent to take their time and recover safely than it is to rush and risk complications and injury.

Elderly care can help your parent get active and stay active after hip surgery, while keeping them safe. An in-home elderly care services provider can offer physical support that helps your parent navigate their home and other areas, as well as completing tasks such as transferring in and out of a bed or chair, bathing, and more.

This support not only encourages your loved one to get more active and support the strengthening of their joint, but promotes better overall health and a more independent lifestyle. If your senior is struggling with fears and concerns about being active following surgery, the emotional support and companionship of the elderly care provider can make a big difference in giving them confidence and encouraging them to work towards their goals.

If you or an aging loved one are in need of Elderly Care Services in Massapequa NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!
Stephen Sternbach
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