Senior Care News

Central Star Employee Provides Aid in Texas After Hurricane

Abbie Sites – Central Star Employee Provides Aid in Texas After Hurricane

“It is something I have always wanted to do, but never have”, stated Abbie Sites, a State Trained Nursing Assistant at Central Star Home Health in Mansfield, Ohio. As a registered volunteer with the American Red Cross, Abbie immediately called to offer help when devastating Hurricane Harvey left thousands of Texans homeless. To her surprise she was told they were presently overwhelmed with volunteers so she took it upon herself to find a local church in Texas that needed her help.

With the assistance of her own church, Clear Fork Alliance in Bellville, Ohio, Abby located a Texan church in the Woodlands that welcomed her offer. She has spent the last few weeks collecting donations and supplies from other employees at Central Star along with those from her church, neighbors and friends. Abby will be leaving this week to drive eighteen hours to Texas. Her supply-filled SUV will go directly to the Woodlands Church where she will begin her week-long assignment which will include sorting supplies and utilizing her nursing skills to assist elderly residents who have been displaced or homeless and are temporarily stationed in the Lone Star Expo Center in Conroe, Texas.

Tracy Clark, Administrator of Central Star Home Health, is extremely proud of her valued employee. “Abby is full of life and love and extremely passionate about helping the elderly”, she said. “We are truly honored to have such an extraordinary, selfless employee willing to drive thousands of miles to help others in need”, she continued.

Ms. Sites has never done anything like this before and is nervous and excited about her venture. Ironically, the admiration is reciprocal as she stated, “I can’t believe Tracy was kind enough to give me the time off to volunteer”. “She is amazing and I am thankful I work for such a great employer who has given me the support necessary to embark upon this opportunity”, she continued. “I probably would have lost my job for doing something like this at my old job”, she continued.

In the wake of disaster, employers and employees need to support each other in the quest to help those in need. Star Multi Care, Central Star Home Health Care and Extended Family Care will be sending support to both Texas and Florida to aid those in need. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the individuals and families who have sustained any lose in the recent Hurricanes affecting our country.

According to Ms. Sites, donations for hurricane relief can be made directly through the Salvation Army or Volunteers of America

If you or an aging loved one are in need of Home Care Services in Massapequa NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!
Stephen Sternbach
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