Senior Care News

What Can You Tell Your Senior if She Doesn’t Want to Exercise?

Home Care Services Plainview NY-So many people don't like exercise, but you might be able to convince your aging adult that exercise can help her with most of her goals. Here are some hints.

When it comes to talking to your senior about exercise, you might find that she’s not excited about the prospect at all. Talking to her about some of these important exercise benefits might make more of a difference than you think.

Home Care Services Plainview NY - What Can You Tell Your Senior if She Doesn't Want to Exercise?
Home Care Services Plainview NY – What Can You Tell Your Senior if She Doesn’t Want to Exercise?

She’ll Sleep Better

Getting a little more active can help your senior to sleep much better. Other things that can help with sleep can include watching caffeine in the afternoon and sticking to a sleep schedule. If she’s still having trouble sleeping, talk with her doctor about what might be affecting her sleep.

She’ll Have More Energy

Exercising even a little bit more than usual on a regular basis can help your aging adult to give herself a big energy boost. When you combine that with better sleep as well, that means that your elderly family member’s entire body is starting to work together a little bit better. Another bonus is that she’ll start to crave healthier foods, which can also boost energy.

Her Balance Improves

Exercise strengthens your elderly family member’s muscles, which can also help to improve her balance. The big reason for improving balance goes back to reducing her fall risk, which is a huge goal for your aging adult. She might even want to focus on exercises like tai chi or yoga that have a heavy focus on balance, especially if that’s a concern for her.

She Can Fight Back Better Against Certain Illnesses

Some illnesses, like heart disease and diabetes, respond well to exercise as a part of the overall treatment plan. If your elderly family member is at risk for one of these types of illnesses, her doctor is likely to recommend exercise as a way to avoid the worst of the condition as much as possible. Combined with other actions you can take, like modifying her diet and other recommendations from her doctor, exercise can be a big help.

She Can Stay More Independent

Above all, your aging family member is more likely to be able to stay independent if she starts exercising. There are some misconceptions about independence, too. For instance, you might hire home care services providers to help your senior with household tasks and with meal preparation, but she handles the rest of her personal care tasks and whatever else she wants to do on her own. That’s still maintaining her independence, even though she has some help here and there.

Your aging adult may never enjoy exercising. But if she can start to see and to experience some of the benefits for herself, she may be a little more enthusiastic about the idea. Help her to find the right activities that fit into the recommendations from her doctor and you’ll be off to a great start.

If you or an aging loved one are in need of Home Care Services in Plainview NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!
Stephen Sternbach
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