Senior Care News

Preparing Your Parent’s Home for a Weather Emergency

Home Care Services Stonybrook NY-When it comes to preparing for a severe weather emergency, it is not just your senior themselves that needs to be prepared. Readiness also involves their environment, and that means preparing their home for the weather emergency. Here are some tips to help.

When it comes to preparing for a severe weather emergency, it is not just your senior themselves that needs to be prepared. Readiness also involves their environment, and that means preparing their home for the weather emergency. If your aging parent will be weathering the storm in their own home, or if they will be transitioning into your home, and even if you think evacuation is eminent, taking the time to prepare their home prior to a weather emergency can protect their surroundings, reduce the risk of severe property damage, and even keep them safer during and after the emergency.

Home Care Services Stonybrook NY - Preparing Your Parent's Home for a Weather Emergency
Home Care Services Stonybrook NY – Preparing Your Parent’s Home for a Weather Emergency

It is important to take these steps well before a weather emergency occurs so you can feel confident in the safety of your senior’s surroundings, and focus more time and energy on other elements of preparation when the emergency becomes imminent. Other steps for home preparation will need to be made as the weather approaches.

Use these tips to prepare your parent’s home for a weather emergency:

  • Trim any branches or limbs on trees close to the house. These can be broken off in high winds and lead to property damage as well as risk to anyone in or around the property. Even if they don’t fall during the event, they can become compromised and fall after.
  • Ensure the home is properly weatherized. This includes weather stripping on doors and windows, insulation, and a structural elements that are in good condition.
  • Make sure you know where to find the cut-offs for the power and water. In some weather situations, you will be instructed to turn both off prior to the event to reduce risk and contamination.
  • Ensure all windows and doors can be secured, including storm doors.


When the severe weather is approaching:

  • Secure all windows and doors. If the home has large windows or large glass doors such as sliding doors, consider covering them with cardboard or plywood to reduce risk of breakage, or to minimize danger and damage in the event of breakage.
  • Put loose items outside such as furniture or lawn ornaments into a storage shed or bring them into the home. If this is not possible, find a way to secure them so they do not become flying debris.
  • Put sandbags into place at the base of low doors or other access points if there is risk of flooding.
  • Listen to radio and TV broadcasts, and comply with any instructions such as cutting off power or water to the house.
  • Put a brightly colored sign in the front window or on the front door announcing to any rescue workers that there is a senior adult in the home. This should also include any information about pets that may be in the home. If your parent is going to be with you, put this information on a sign, including your contact information, so rescue workers know the person who lives inside is safe.


If you have been looking for ways to enhance your seniors quality of life, now may be the ideal time for you to consider home care services. A home care services provider can benefit your aging parents in a wide variety of ways. The fully customized services offered by a home care services provider are specifically designed with your parents needs and individuality in mind.

These home care services treat your senior with respect and dignity, and approach them as a whole individual rather than just a person with limitations and challenges. This will help your parent maintain better mental emotional health, take control of their physical health and well-being, and live their highest quality of life throughout their later years.


If you or an aging loved one are in need of Home Care Services in Stonybrook NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!
Stephen Sternbach
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