Senior Care News

Why Home Health Care Services Are Needed for Elderly Adults with Constipation

Home Health Care Plainview NY-Does your elderly loved one have constipation? There are numerous ways that home health care agency services can help your elderly loved one with their constipation.

Does your elderly loved one have constipation? This can be a very uncomfortable and sometimes even painful condition. At times, your elderly loved one may even be embarrassed by this condition. They may not want their family members to help them to deal with it. If this is the case, you may want to hire home health care providers to assist your elderly loved one. There are numerous ways that home health care agency services can help your elderly loved one with their constipation.

Home Health Care Plainview NY - Why Home Health Care Services Are Needed for Elderly Adults with Constipation
Home Health Care Plainview NY – Why Home Health Care Services Are Needed for Elderly Adults with Constipation

Reducing the Chances of Anal Fissures and Hemorrhoids

If your elderly loved one has constipation that isn’t being treated, it can lead to anal fissures and hemorrhoids. This is caused by the constant straining when they are trying to have a bowel movement. Home health care providers can help your elderly loved one to reduce the chances of experiencing these issues.

Reducing the Risk of Fecal Impaction

If your elderly loved one’s constipation is left untreated for some time, it could cause fecal impaction. This can be a medical emergency. It is important that your elderly loved one doesn’t let things get this far. Fecal impactions means that their bowel is blocked with immobile, solid feces. It is extremely painful and could cause intestines to become blocked, as well.

If you notice that your elderly loved one is experiencing nausea, pain, abdominal bloating and discomfort, headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, and weight loss, they may have fecal impaction already and should be treated immediately. In some instances, those with fecal impaction may experience liquid stool leaking out. The home health care providers can use water irrigation and enemas to help clear out the stool. If this doesn’t work, the home health care providers might need to manually release the stool.


As you can tell from these descriptions, your elderly loved one might not want their family members to help them out with this condition. Constipation can be quite embarrassing. You should contact our home health care agency if your elderly loved one is experiencing constipation that isn’t relieved by eating more fiber, exercising, or drinking more water.

Before you hire home health care providers, you may want to schedule your elderly loved one an appointment with their doctor. Let their doctor know how long they have been constipated and the methods that have been tried to relieve constipation for your elderly loved one. Their doctor can let you know what may need to be done next.


If you or an aging loved one are in need of Home Health Care Services in Plainview NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!

Stephen Sternbach
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