Senior Care News

Signs of a Heart Attack That Should Signal Emergency Care

In-Home Care Great Neck NY-Learning about the signs of a heart attack ahead of time can help to increase the chances of you getting your loved emergency care when it is needed. Learn how in-home care can help.

One of the scariest things about taking care of an elderly person is the thought of them having a heart attack. Unfortunately, this happens to a lot of senior citizens. If you are a family caregiver for your elderly loved one, learning about the signs of a heart attack ahead of time can help to increase the chances of you getting them emergency care when it is needed. Hiring in-home care services can be an asset when you are not there and they too should know these signs.

Chest Pain

In-Home Care Great Neck NY - Signs of a Heart Attack That Should Signal Emergency Care
In-Home Care Great Neck NY – Signs of a Heart Attack That Should Signal Emergency Care

One of the most well-known signs of a heart attack is chest pain. However, it is important to know that chest pain doesn’t have to be severe. In some cases, it is very mild and lasts for days before getting worse. In addition, sometimes, it isn’t just in the chest. For example, your elderly loved one might have pain in their neck, shoulders, shoulder blade, and back. It could cause them to have numbness, too. If you or an in-home care provider notice this happening for your elderly loved one, be sure to contact 9-1-1 immediately.

Upper Body Discomfort

Sometimes, the elderly person doesn’t even feel chest pain. However, they might have a lot of discomfort in their upper body. For example, your elderly loved one may complain of weakness and fullness in their upper back and/or chest. They may also state that it is difficult to move around. Even slight walking could cause your elderly loved one to feel sick to their stomach and uncomfortable. If your elderly loved one is dealing with this issue, don’t let them wait it out. Get them emergency medical help right away.

Shortness of Breath and Fatigue

Two other signs of a heart attack that would require emergency care for your elderly loved one are being short of breath and dealing with fatigue. The fatigue can be mild, but not let up, or it can be moderate to severe. Sometimes, the fatigue will come and go over hours and then hit the senior citizens severely after that. If your elderly loved one is dealing with either of these problems, you or the in-home care providers should call 9-1-1.

After the Heart Attack

If your elderly loved one did have a heart attack and they made it through, they do have a higher risk of having a second heart attack, being that their heart is now weaker. You and the in-home care providers must encourage your elderly loved one to follow healthier lifestyle habits from here on out. Eating right, making it easy, and exercising can help to strengthen the heart again.

You and In-Home Care Providers Work Together for the Best Care

If your elderly loved one experiences the symptoms that are noted here today, it is important to get them emergency medical care. They may be having a heart attack. The sooner you get them the medical help they need, the better chances they have of surviving the heart attack. If your elderly loved one did have a heart attack, you and in-home care providers may need to work together to ensure they are getting the best care at home, too.


If you or a family member need hiring In-Home Care Services in Great Neck NY, or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!

Stephen Sternbach
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