Senior Care News

Managing Diabetes While Aging in Place

Helping seniors manage diabetes while aging in place requires a combination of lifestyle changes, monitoring, and encouragement, all provided by skilled nursing care.

Managing diabetes is a lifelong commitment that might grow increasingly difficult as seniors age. With this in mind, diabetes management for those who choose to age in place may require specialized care, such as what skilled nursing care providers can offer. Diabetes, if not managed properly, can cause consequences such as heart disease, kidney failure, visual issues, and nerve damage. However, with the right care and assistance, seniors can successfully manage their disease while continuing to live at home.

Blood Sugar Monitoring

Skilled Nursing Care Floral Park NY - Managing Diabetes While Aging in Place
Skilled Nursing Care Floral Park NY – Managing Diabetes While Aging in Place

One of the most important components of diabetes management is keeping blood sugar levels under control. Seniors, particularly those with mobility or eyesight issues, may require assistance in monitoring their blood sugar. Skilled nursing can assist with this by ensuring the healthcare provider’s advice is followed and by teaching seniors how to complete blood sugar tests. Also, seniors should have an easy-to-read meter with a larger screen and buttons. Finally, seniors will need some way to track their results. The medical team and skilled nursing can offer recommendations for this.

Focus on a Diabetes-Friendly Diet

Diabetes management requires careful attention to diet. For some seniors, this could cause issues, especially if they’re not used to paying attention to what they eat. Skilled nursing can educate them on selecting the appropriate foods to help maintain stable blood sugar levels and give them the nutrients they need to be healthy. This may include a balance of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and proteins, as well as establishing regular meal times.

Encouraging Physical Activity

Physical activity is essential for seniors with diabetes because it improves insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control. Additionally, regular exercise can help with weight management. Seniors don’t need to join a gym to get physical. Instead, they can walk in the park, do strength workouts at home using household items, or follow online exercise videos for yoga or TaiChi. The important thing is for them to get up and moving, even if it’s only for a brief amount of time multiple times a day.

Managing Medication and Insulin

Many seniors with diabetes rely on medicines or insulin to control their blood sugar levels. Keeping track of various prescriptions might be challenging, but it is necessary for good disease management. Skilled nursing care can help them set up a pill organizer and remind them to take their medications on time. They can also help seniors who might struggle with maintaining a regular insulin routine. Along with these things, seniors will need to maintain regular check-ups with their medical team.

Preventing and Managing Complications

Uncontrolled diabetes can cause major problems, especially in seniors. For instance, it can impair blood flow and cause nerve damage, resulting in foot issues. For this reason, seniors need to check their feet regularly to assess for cuts, blisters, and swelling. Also, they need to wear appropriate footwear to avoid additional injury. Seniors should also make and attend regular eye exams to check for diabetes-related issues, such as diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma. Finding these conditions early allows for better management. Finally, seniors should drink enough water to be hydrated. Doing so also improves their skin, which is essential as dry, cracked skin can cause infections, particularly in diabetics.

Helping seniors manage diabetes while aging in place requires a combination of lifestyle changes, monitoring, and encouragement. They can get all these things and more with skilled nursing care providers by their side.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Skilled Nursing Care Services in Floral Park NY, please contact the caring staff at Star Multi Care today. Call (631) 424-7827

Star Multi Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Long Island and in NYC including Dix Hills, Floral Park, Great Neck, Huntington, Manhasset, Massapequa, Northport, Plainview, Rockville Center, Stonybrook, Suffolk County, Nassau County, and Queens County.

Stephen Sternbach
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