Senior Care News

Schedule Colonoscopies During National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Personal Care at Home Stonybrook NY-More than 150,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are expected to happen in 2022. While the cases are decreasing, the decrease is believed to be linked to the increasing number of people getting screened.

More than 150,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are expected to happen in 2022. While the cases are decreasing, it’s still a prevalent cancer. The decrease is believed to be linked to the increasing number of people getting screened. Have your parents been screened? It’s time. Having personal care at home services available can be useful.

Catching Polyps Early Helps You Avoid Cancer

Personal Care at Home Stonybrook NY - Schedule Colonoscopies During National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Personal Care at Home Stonybrook NY – Schedule Colonoscopies During National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

The recommended age for a first colonoscopy used to be 50, but it was dropped to 45. This test may seem embarrassing, but it’s much easier than you’d imagine. The dietary fast leading up to the test is the hardest part.

A colonoscopy involves having a thin camera/tube inserted into the rectum to view the interior surface. The doctor is looking for polyps, which are potentially cancerous growths that form on the colon’s lining. They get snipped off during the procedure and may be sent for biopsy.

The earlier you catch polyps, the lower the risk of developing cancer. During a colonoscopy, polyps can be removed. Once they’re gone, the potentially cancerous growth is no longer an issue.

Colonoscopies Are Not Uncomfortable

If your parents haven’t scheduled a colonoscopy, find out why. They may be afraid that it will hurt or be embarrassing.

There are different ways colonoscopies are completed, and your mom and dad have the choice to ask to be sedated. Many doctors don’t need you awake when they’re performing a colonoscopy.

Your mom or dad will need someone to drive them to their appointment. They spend two days clearing all fecal matter from the colon. This is done through diet and a prescription solution that flushes the intestines.

Your parent will change into a hospital gown and have a blood pressure screening. They turn onto their side in the procedure room, and an IV medication is administered to help relax them. Once the sedative starts working, your mom or dad will sleep through the screening. They won’t even know anything happened.

Polyps Aren’t Always Cancerous

Polyps that form in the colon do not have to be cancerous. Adenomas are often pre-cancerous. Hyperplastic polyps are common and are rarely cancerous. Sessile serrated polyps are also usually pre-cancerous.

The Colon Is Made Up of Four Sections

During a colonoscopy, all four sections of the colon are examined. A colon is around five feet long, so the procedure can take an hour to view all areas. These sections include:

The Ascending Colon – Begins at the end of the small intestine and travels up to the abdomen.

The Transverse Colon – A section of the colon that travels from the right side to the left side of the abdomen.

The Descending Colon – A section of the colon that travels down towards the pelvis.

The Sigmoid Colon – The final section that joins the colon to the rectum and anus.

What If the Doctor Finds Something and What Personal Care at Home Services can do? 

What happens if your mom or dad is diagnosed with colorectal cancer after the colonoscopy and biopsies of polyps? Treatment options often start with surgical removal of the cancerous area. Personal care at home services can take care of household tasks like laundry, dusting, vacuuming, and disinfecting surfaces.

Make sure your mom or dad focuses on getting better. Hire personal care at home aides to help with light housekeeping, meals, and personal care services. Call to learn more.


If you or a family member are in need of hiring Personal Care at Home Services in Stonybrook NY, or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!

Stephen Sternbach
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