Senior Care News

Understanding the Benefits of Physical Therapy for MS

World Multiple Sclerosis Day falls on May 30th. When your mom has MS, it's time to look at the benefits of physical therapy services.

World Multiple Sclerosis Day falls on May 30th. It’s a day designed to raise awareness of a disease that affects about one million men and women in the U.S. When your mom has MS, it’s time to look at the benefits of physical therapy services.

Physical therapy helps with more than muscles and balance. It helps with emotional and mental health, too. The therapist also helps you and other family caregivers understand how to help your mom through the relapses and day-to-day life with the disease.

Establish an Exercise Routine with a Physical Therapy Aide

Physical Therapy Floral Park NY - Understanding the Benefits of Physical Therapy for MS
Physical Therapy Floral Park NY – Understanding the Benefits of Physical Therapy for MS

Your mom’s mobility may go through peaks and valleys. If she establishes a safe, effective exercise routine to follow at all moments, it helps her stay flexible and improves her mobility. When she is having a harder time during a relapse, she’ll still have exercises she can handle and a physical therapist by her side.

One of the most important aspects of going to physical therapy is to learn how to center the trunk and torso to improve balance. The more your mom strengthens her core, the easier it is to avoid falls.

She’ll return to her physical therapist every few months to determine if what she’s doing still works effectively. It’s okay if adjustments are needed, and her therapist helps her through those changes.

Handle the Cognitive Changes

Depression and anxiety are common after an MS diagnosis. MS can also lead to some cognitive changes. Your mom’s cognitive changes are aided by routine sessions with her physical therapist. Emotions can also play a part, and her physical therapist can help her navigate those emotions.

Learn to Use Mobility Equipment

There may come a time that your mom relapses enough that she has to rely on a cane, a walker, or even a wheelchair. She might require a shower chair or transfer seat to get in and out of her tub/shower unit. Physical therapists help her learn what she needs and how to use it.

She may not need that equipment all of the time, but she needs to be ready and willing to use it as needed. When she doesn’t need it, it can go into a closet, but she has peace of mind that it’s there to rely on.

Talk to a Physical Therapist For an Assessment

How do you arrange physical therapy? Talk to your mom’s medical team for guidance on what her care plan will be moving forward. Then, call a physical therapy office to arrange a consultation.

During this initial meeting, the physical therapist looks at your mom’s medical records and assesses her strength, flexibility, and movement. They’ll come up with the right approach to improve movements and balance, equip your mom with the mobility devices that will most help her, and help your mom stay mobile.


If you or a family member need to hire Physical Therapy Services in Floral Park NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!

Stephen Sternbach
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