Senior Care News

Facts About Post-Hospital Care to Keep in Mind

Post-hospital care services are important services to consider if your dad is in the hospital and due to be released soon. Here are some things to consider.

Post-hospital care services are important services to consider if your dad is in the hospital and due to be released soon. The ultimate goal of this type of service is to keep your dad from returning to the hospital.

Here are a few facts about post-hospital care to keep in mind.

20% of Patients Are Readmitted Within a Month

Post-Hospital Care Floral Park NY - Facts About Post-Hospital Care to Keep in Mind
Post-Hospital Care Floral Park NY – Facts About Post-Hospital Care to Keep in Mind

One out of five patients ends up back in the hospital within 30 days of their discharge. Infection, medication issues, and secondary injuries are common reasons for readmission. Post-hospital care prevents rehospitalization.

If your dad fell and had hip surgery, post-hospital care services like at home physical therapy and medication administration can be key to helping him avoid another fall that causes a new injury. It’s important that he has this level of support to ensure a proper recovery.

Home Care Nurses Have Training That You Lack

Your dad had a stroke and is about to come home. You have instructions on what to watch for and what he needs to do, but it’s hard to tell if something is to be expected without expert training.

He’s going to be taking blood thinners, and those medications need to be carefully managed. He can’t miss a dose. You need to know what foods he can and cannot have while taking blood thinners. Nurses have the training that you lack to diagnose issues and take action if there is a hidden injury.

Nurses can do things that you are unable to do. If your dad needs an IV of fluids, you couldn’t do that. He’d have to go back to the hospital or have a home health care nurse available to insert the IV line and set up the IV drip.

Nurses can take your dad’s blood pressure and pulse. If things are wrong, they can consult with his medical team and come up with a new care plan that keeps your dad from having to go back to the hospital. This includes being able to write a prescription for the pharmacist to fill and deliver to your dad’s home.

Post-Hospital Care Saves Money

In most cases, your dad’s post-hospital care may be covered by insurance for a few months. As long as his doctors agree it’s necessary, the cost of post-hospital care can be less expensive than a lengthy hospital stay. Plus, your dad is more likely to recover quickly when he’s comfortable.

A hospital is sterile and can be noisy. Your dad may recover better in his home where the sounds and smells are familiar. A faster recovery also saves money in the long run.

Make the Arrangements as Early as Possible

Does post-hospital care sound like something your dad needs? Talk to our advisor to get answers to your questions and make the arrangements your dad needs before he’s released and heads home. Give yourself time to research the services and make sure the arrangements are in place.


If you or a family member need to hire Post-Hospital Care Services in Floral Park NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!

Stephen Sternbach
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