Senior Care News

Tips for Respectful, Supportive Care for a Senior with Incontinence

Senior Care Dix Hills NY-Incontinence can be an embarrassing and disheartening symptom for your senior to deal with. The type of care you give them will make a tremendous difference in how they cope with this condition. Here are some tips.

Incontinence impacts a large number of people throughout the United States. It can and does affect people of all ages, though it is more likely in women over the age of 40. Elderly adults may experience incontinence for a variety of reasons, and if your senior has developed these symptoms, it is extremely important for you to make respectful, supportive management of this condition an ongoing part of your care routine.

Senior Care Dix Hills NY - Tips for Respectful, Supportive Care for a Senior with Incontinence
Senior Care Dix Hills NY – Tips for Respectful, Supportive Care for a Senior with Incontinence

Incontinence can be an embarrassing and disheartening symptom for your senior to deal with. The type of care you give them will make a tremendous difference in how they cope with this condition, their physical health and safety, and also their mental and emotional well-being.

Use these tips to provide respectful and supportive care to your aging parent as they deal with incontinence:

Never embarrass or shame your parent. This is detrimental to your parent’s emotional health and well-being, and can damage your relationship with them. In all things, show love, respect, and dignity. No matter what happens or the type of care you need to give them, never show disgust or distaste, or make them feel guilty for needing your help.

Reassure them they are not alone. Many seniors feel as though they are the only ones who are dealing with the effects of incontinence. Help relieve this stress by reassuring your parent there are many, many people who are dealing with this challenge. Encourage them to do research, or talk to their doctor about the number of people living with this condition.

Help them find the right products. There is a huge variety of incontinence products available on the market. It is important to find the one that is best for your aging parent. This might require some trial and error. Research companies with them to find one that will send samples to their home. This allows them to test out different products to find the most appropriate one for their needs.

Address all their needs. This is more than just making sure they have the product they need, or that they have a change of clothing in the event of an accident. You must also help them ensure they stay clean, their skin remains healthy, and their emotional health is protected. Help your parent understand that while this condition might impact many things about them, it does not need to define them or take away their quality of life.

Helping your aging parent with potentially sensitive care needs is just one way senior care can make a tremendous difference in your senior’s life. Many elderly adults cope with sensitive care needs such as incontinence, difficulty with toileting, challenges with bathing, and struggles with dressing themselves.

This can leave them suffering emotional impact as well. Your parent may be embarrassed, feel uncomfortable accepting help from you, and even struggle with feelings of depression and anxiety caused by these changes.

The highly personalized services of an in-home senior care services provider can reduce the sense of anxiety and embarrassment, remove you from these potentially sensitive tasks, and encourage your parent to take on as much of these personal care tasks on their own as possible. Through dignified and respectful care, this senior care provider can ensure your parent stays healthy and comfortable, and maintains their highest level of emotional health as well.–the-statistics-of-urinary-incontinence

If you or an aging loved one are in need of Senior Care Services in Dix Hills NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!
Stephen Sternbach
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