Senior Care News

What Is Your Aging Parent’s Wildfire Risk?

Senior Care in Manhasset NY

As a family caregiver you understand how important it is to understand the risks that your aging parent faces and what you can do to reduce those risks so that they can stay as safe, healthy, and Senior-Care-in-Manhasset-NYcomfortable as possible throughout their later years. While you may have plans in place for certain risks, such as flooding or severe storms, one risk that you might not have planned for in detail is wildfires. Unlike many other emergencies, the start of a wildfire cannot be predicted and their path can only be guessed to some accuracy. Understanding your aging parent’s wildfire risk is essential to helping them to take the proper steps to keep themselves as safe as possible.


One element of understanding your parent’s wildfire risk is the National Fire Danger Rating System. This system uses colors to demonstrate the severity of the risk so that you are aware and can make decisions regarding how to stay safe. These colors include:

  • Green. This is the lowest rating on the scale. It means that the start of a fire is unlikely and that if one was to start, the spread would be slow. The fire itself would have a low intensity and it would be fairly easy to get under control and extinguished.
  • Blue. This is a moderate risk. It means that fires could occur and the flames would move at a moderate rate of speed. Control of these flames is still not difficult.
  • Yellow. At this time of high risk, wildfires are likely. If conditions are windy, fires will be difficult to control and are likely to spready relatively quickly through heavy fuel sources.
  • Orange. This is a very high risk when the start of a wildfire is very likely. These flames will have high intensity and spready very quickly. Controlling these will be very difficult as they move faster than the suppression efforts will be effective.
  • Red. At this level of risk, wildfires are imminent and will spread extremely quickly. The flames will be very intense and exhibit extreme behavior including rapid spreading in various directions and growing into expansive, continuous fires.


If you are concerned about your aging parent’s safety or simply want to improve their quality of life and enable them to maintain more independence throughout their later years, starting senior care for them may be the ideal solution. A senior home care services provider can be with your elderly parent on a customized schedule that is right not only for their individual needs and challenges, but also for the care efforts that you are able to put forth for them. This means that your loved one will get everything that they need both when you are able to be with them and when you must focus your energy and attention on other elements of your life, such as your children, your home, your marriage, your career, and even yourself. When it comes to helping your parent manage their risks, including wildfire and other emergencies, a senior home care services provider can help your parent understand both their risks and how they are able to monitor those risks so that they are better prepared to take steps to protect themselves from emergencies.


If you or an aging loved one are in need of senior care in Manhasset, NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!




Stephen Sternbach
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