Senior Care News

The Best At Home Workouts For a Senior

Senior Home Care Rockville Center NY-There are lots of activity classes and get togethers for seniors but what about seniors who need to exercise at home? There are plenty of effective at-home workouts too that senior home care aides can encourage your loved one to do.

It’s important that seniors stay active. Experts recommend that seniors get at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. Staying active will help seniors lower their risk of some medical conditions like heart disease and it can lower the risks of developing diabetes and having a stroke. Regular activity also helps maintain good circulation will help seniors stay mobile. There are lots of activity classes and get togethers for seniors but what about seniors who need to exercise at home? Some elders may need the assistance of senior home care providers to make sure they are safe while exercising.

There are plenty of effective at-home workouts too that senior home care aides can encourage your loved one to do.


Senior Home Care Rockville Center NY - The Best At Home Workouts For a Senior
Senior Home Care Rockville Center NY – The Best At Home Workouts For a Senior

No matter where it’s done walking is one of the best exercise workouts for seniors. It’s easy to do and requires no special equipment except a good pair of shoes. The uncomplicated movement is good for people who don’t have the coordination or flexibility to do aerobics or dance. Almost everyone can walk for good health even if they are walking slowly at first. A senior home care provider can help your senior loved one turn on an in-home walking streaming workout or put on a walking DVD for them so that they can walk indoors. That way it doesn’t matter if it’s hot, or cold, or raining. Your senior parent can still get their workout in.


Cycling on a stationary bike can be a fantastic workout and right now cycling at home is a very popular activity. If your senior parent has a home gym you can install a stationery bike for them to ride or you can get them a bike that a senior home care provider can set up and take down for them. You can even turn on a DVD or have them join a live cycling class on streaming media so that they have the fun of riding with a roomful of people. It can be a social activity as much as a personal goal.


Swimming at home does require that your senior loved one put in a pool, but an above ground pool works just as well as an in-ground pool so you or your senior loved one don’t have to spend a lot of money. Swimming and swimming aerobics are fun and they are zero impact so they are appropriate for everyone no matter what their age or physical condition. As your senior parent gets older they might enjoy the flexibility that swimming gives them.

Dance Classes

If your senior parent is in good shape and finds walking dull dance classes might be a better fit for your loved one. A senior home care provider can help your senior loved one sign up for a fitness service that has weekly dance classes designed for seniors. Your senior loved one will have a blast dancing to the music they remember and they will be getting the kind of exercise that will help them fight the signs of aging.


If you or a family member are in need of hiring Senior Home Care Services in Rockville Center NY, or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!

Stephen Sternbach
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