Senior Care News

Benefits of Skilled Nursing Care After Your Dad Falls

Loss of balance and troubles with mobility are very common with Parkinson's disease. It's important that your loved one has nurses with them at home as they recover from that fall. Hre is how they help.

April is Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, and a good time to look at the benefits of skilled nursing care services. Loss of balance and troubles with mobility are very common with Parkinson’s disease. Your dad has Parkinson’s and fell on the stairs. It’s important that he has nurses with him at home as he recovers from that fall.

Here are the different ways skilled nursing care services help your dad during his recovery.

Medication Administration by Skilled Nursing Care Providers

Skilled Nursing Care Rockville Center NY - Benefits of Skilled Nursing Care After Your Dad Falls
Skilled Nursing Care Rockville Center NY – Benefits of Skilled Nursing Care After Your Dad Falls

Your dad’s broken bones will cause pain that needs to be managed. He’ll need help remembering when he took a dose and when he can take another. If he’s on prescription medications, he’s going to need to carefully manage them, especially those that cause dizziness.

With nurses there to administer medications, monitor his blood pressure, and adjust medications after consulting his doctors, he’s safer without having to experience more pain than he should.

Physical and Occupational Therapy Services

Your dad can have physical and occupational therapy sessions at his home. He doesn’t have to get into a car, walk into a therapist’s office, and find someone to drive him there and back. Sometimes, it’s more convenient and less stressful for him to have therapy sessions in a comfortable home setting.

Wound Care to Prevent Infection

If your dad fell and had cuts that needed stitches or abrasions that are bandaged, someone needs to keep them clean and bandaged. Every day or so, the bandages need to be changed and the stitches or cuts have to be checked for signs of infection.

Skilled nursing care aides are trained in wound care. They can check for infection, and if there are concerns, nurses can talk to your dad’s doctors and determine the best treatment plan. If your dad needs IV antibiotics or oral antibiotics, his nurse will get the needed medications and administer them.

Assessment and Support For Mental Health Concerns

A fall causes more than injuries like broken bones, head injuries, and cuts that require stitches. Falls linked to Parkinson’s can lead to mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. If your dad becomes fearful that he may fall again or experiences depression, it’s important to get him the support he needs.

He might need medications to help ease depression, but it’s just as likely that he needs someone to talk to about his fears and frustrations. A skilled nursincare aide assesses his mental health during each visit and can share information with you and his doctors if there are concerns.

With 1,000,000 Americans diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, your dad isn’t alone. Falls are more common than you might imagine. Make sure you don’t focus on trivial matters like how the fall happened or who should have been helping him. Focus on helping him heal by arranging skilled nursing  care services.


If you or a family member need to hire Skilled Nursing Care Services in Rockville Center NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!

Stephen Sternbach
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