Senior Care News

Signs Your Senior Parent Needs Skilled Nursing Care At Home

Skilled Nursing Care Huntington NY-If you notice any of these signs listed here you should open a dialog with your senior loved one again about more advanced care or skilled nursing care at home.

If your senior parent wants to remain in their home as they get older but they have a medical condition like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s they may be able to stay at home if they have skilled nursing care services. This care at home makes it easier for seniors that really want to stay in their own homes to do so safely even as they get older or their condition progresses.

If your senior parent has previously resisted any type of skilled nursing care at home it may be time to bring up the topic again. If you notice any of these signs you should open a dialog with your senior loved one again:

Getting Sick More Often

Skilled Nursing Care Huntington NY - Signs Your Senior Parent Needs Skilled Nursing Care At Home
Skilled Nursing Care Huntington NY – Signs Your Senior Parent Needs Skilled Nursing Care At Home

If your senior loved one has started to get sick more often than they used to it could be a sign of a compromised immune system. If their immune system isn’t working as well as it should taking them to the doctor for regular care like checkups or monitoring could actually be dangerous for them. By going to a medical office or hospital they could be exposed to illnesses like COVID-19 or the flu which can be deadly for seniors. Skilled nursing care at home allows your senior parent to get the monitoring and care they need at home instead of having to go out to a medical office or hospital.

Developing Sores Or Rashes

If your senior loved one is frequently in bed and is developing sores or rashes they need skilled nursing care at home to take care of those sores and rashes so they don’t become infected. Skin infections can be very serious for seniors. And a skilled nurse will be able to track any changes in your senior loved one’s skin that could indicate that they need more advanced medical help. Having a medical professional caring for your senior parent at home can help ensure that they get the care they need when they need it to stop more serious conditions from developing.

Trouble Getting In And Out Of Bed Safely

Seniors who are having trouble getting in and out of bed safely or getting to the bathroom safely can benefit from having a well-trained medical professional taking care of them. A trained nursing professional knows the best transfer methods to help seniors of all shapes, sizes, and abilities move around safely without any risk of falling or getting hurt.

Needing More In-Depth Care Like Skilled Nursing Care

If you feel that your senior loved one is starting to need more care than you can provide now is the time to start talking about skilled nursing care at home. If you wait too long it will be harder to make the move to skilled nursing because there won’t be time for your senior loved one to think about and accept the idea. Start the conversation now so that this care will be there when your senior loved one needs it.

If you or a family member need to hire Skilled Nursing Care Services in Huntington NY or the surrounding areas, contact the caring professionals at Star Multi Care Services today at (631)956-8835. We are the Right Choice for Home Health Care Services!

Stephen Sternbach
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